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Children's Fractures.
  1. Thomas F Beattie
  1. Consultant in Accident and Emergency, Edinburgh

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    By Anna Thornton and Catherine Gyll. (Pp 208; £39.95.) W B Saunders, 1999. ISBN 0-7020-2164-4.

    Reading radiographs is one of the many skills senior house officers (SHOs) learn in accident and emergency (A&E). One of the more difficult aspects of radiological interpretation is that of children's radiographs. As the authors state the young doctor in the A&E department has only a sketchy idea of how very different children's fractures are from adults. The growing skeleton and the different nature of the bones make the nature of the injuries different and their interpretation very difficult. This book goes a long way to solving this conundrum.

    The general idea …

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