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Comminuted fracture of the talus not visible on the initial radiograph
  1. T Burton,
  2. J Sloan
  1. Department of Accident and Emergency Medicine, General Infirmary, Leeds, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr T Burton, Department of Accident and Emergency Medicine, General Infirmary, Leeds LS1 3EX, UK;


AUTHOR:e-mail address please Fractures of the talus are rare injuries and fractures of the body of the talus are particularly rare. Diagnosis of these fractures is also difficult as initial radiographs may be normal, particularly with osteochondral talar dome fractures. Long term morbidity is common after fractures of the talus. A case is presented of a patient with a comminuted fracture of the body of the talus with non-diagnostic initial standard ankle radiographs. Accident and emergency doctors should be aware of this injury, and be suspicious that patients with an appropriate mechanism of injury and pronounced pain may require further investigation despite normal standard ankle radiographs, as an occult fracture of the talus may be present.

  • talus fracture
  • radiography

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