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Bone marrow toxicity after yellow phosphorus ingestion
  1. A J Tafur1,
  2. J A Zapatier1,
  3. L A Idrovo1,
  4. J W Oliveros2,
  5. J C Garces2
  1. 1Toxicology Service, Luis Vernaza Hospital, Guayaquil, Ecuador
  2. 2Department of Internal Medicine, Section “Santa Elena”, Luis Vernaza Hospital
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr J A Zapatier
 Toxicology Service, Luis Vernaza Hospital, Guayaquil, PO Box 3615, Ecuador;


Suicidal ingestions of fireworks containing yellow phosphorus occur often during holidays. A case is reported of a 17 year old woman who intentionally ingested an estimated amount of 5.5 mg of yellow phosphorus, presenting with upper abdominal pain as the only complaint, a physical examination was normal. Blood tests showed a considerable decrease in the granulocyte count; the bone marrow biopsy revealed a decreased cellular mass with degenerative changes. Spontaneous remission was observed during the next 48 hours, with no further complaints.

  • yellow phosphorus
  • bone marrow toxicity
  • neutropenia

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