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Modernising medical careers: educational implications for the emergency department
  1. A McGowan
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Alastair McGowan
 St James University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF, UK; Alastair.McGowan{at}leedsth.nhs


Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) is a project designed to reconfigure postgraduate medical education throughout the United Kingdom. It is proposed that all UK medical school graduates undertake a 2 year foundation programme to build basic professional skills to which specialist training can be added. Implicit in these proposals is that career choices need to be made at a relatively early phase of training. In the case of emergency medicine, a common stem of training in emergency and critical care is being proposed which would be suitable early training for potential specialists in emergency medicine, anaesthesia, intensive care, and acute medicine. In both foundation training and higher specialist training, the trainee should have the skills of a self directing, reflective learner and the trainer the skills required to produce a good learning environment with a supportive and open atmosphere and learning structured to maximise the opportunities for experiential learning in the workplace.

  • medical education
  • Modernising Medical Careers
  • postgraduate

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