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Perforation of the ileum after a stab wound of the gluteal region: a case report
  1. Jakob van Oldenrijk,
  2. Çaĝdaş Ünlü,
  3. Bart A van Wagensveld
  1. Department of Surgery, Sint Lucas Andreas Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  1. Dr Bart A v a n Wagensveld, Sint Lucas Andreas Hospital, Jan Tooropstraat 164, 1061 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands; b.vanwagensveld{at}


We present a case of a patient with a seemingly insignificant single gluteal stab wound which led to a solitary perforation of the ileum and delayed peritonitis. This case report illustrates that, despite the absence of any signs of bowel perforation on presentation, a patient may deteriorate gradually in the subsequent hours. This demonstrates the role of clinical observation in high risk gluteal stab wound patients.

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