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Bittering agents in the prevention of accidental poisoning: children's reactions to denatonium benzoate (Bitrex).
  1. J R Sibert,
  2. N Frude
  1. Department of Child Health, University of Wales College of Medicine, Llandough Hospital.


    The responses of young children to Denatonium Benzoate (Bitrex) were observed, in order to assess the potential of this bittering agent in the prevention of accidental poisoning. Thirty-three children aged 17-36 months were offered orange juice containing Bitrex (in a concentration of 10 parts per million). Of the 30 children who took some of this juice, only seven were willing to take more than 10 gm. A variety of negative verbal and non-verbal responses were noted. It is suggested that the highly unpalatable nature of Bitrex makes this compound a useful additive that could well prevent accidental poisoning from household products of mild to moderate toxicity.

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