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Airway obstruction due to aspiration of muddy water
  1. Patrick Schober1,2,
  2. Herman M T Christiaans1,2,
  3. Stephan A Loer1,2,
  4. Lothar A Schwarte1,2
  1. 1Department of Anesthesiology, VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. 2HEMS ‘Lifeliner 1’, Trauma Center North-West Netherlands/VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  1. Correspondence to Dr Lothar A Schwarte, HEMS ‘Lifeliner 1’, Trauma Center North-West Netherlands/VUmc, De Boelelaan 1117, Amsterdam 1007 MB, The Netherlands; L.Schwarte{at}


We report a case of complete airway obstruction due to aspiration of muddy water. An innovative approach to clear the airway is described, which may be a potentially life saving manoeuver in similar cases of suspected muddy water aspiration.

  • accidental
  • airway
  • ventilation
  • resuscitation
  • prehospital care, helicopter retrieval

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