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What is important to patients in wound management
  1. Helen Keeton,
  2. Robert Crouch,
  3. Kate Lowe
  1. Department of Emergency, University Hospital Southampton, Southampton, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Helen Keeton, Emergency department, University Hospital Southampton, Tremona Road, Hampshire, SO16 6YD; helen.keeton{at}


Traumatic wounds are a common reason for patients to attend emergency departments. There are many ways of managing these wounds from glue to suturing. The authors conducted a patient survey to identify the outcome measures most important to patients after closure of traumatic wounds. The results showed that having the least chance of infection was the most important outcome, followed by being looked after by caring staff and a quick recovery. These finding were consistent regardless of the anatomical location of the wound or age of the patient. This information is being used to guide the authors in the most appropriate outcome measures for further research.

  • wounds
  • wounds, infection
  • wounds, treatment
  • soft tissue injury

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