Table 4

Records screened positive and adverse events (AEs) for each criterion

CriterionNumber of records screened positive (%)* (n=573)Number of AEs (%)† (n=250)AE yield (95% CI)
*22 (4.11%) records were screened positive for more than one criteria. †25 (10.4%) adverse events were detected by more than one criterion (for example, the same patient may have re-presented to the emergency department within 48 hours more than once).
Unplanned re-presentation within 48 hours of discharge from the emergency department261 (45.5)142 (56.8)54.4% (48.4 to 60.5)
Unplanned presentation within 28 days of discharge from hospital139 (24.3)83 (33.2)59.7% (51.6 to 67.9)
Length of stay >6 hours89 (15.5)10 (4.0)11.2% (4.7 to 17.8)
Transfer to another acute care facility76 (13.3)12 (4.8)15.8% (7.6 to 24.0)
Death8 (1.4)3 (1.2)37.5% (8.5 to 75.5)