Table 1

Baseline characteristics of treatment groups

*Intravenous ketamine plus midazolam group. †Intranasal midazolam group. ‡p Value >0.05 considered not statistically significant (NS).
Age (years (SD))4.6 (2.9)3.5 (2.0)NS
Weight (kg (SD))20.4 (11.5)16.5 (3.8)NS
Male sex (%)14/26 (54)15/26 (58)NS
Indication for sedation
Laceration repair (%)14/26 (54)19/26 (73)NS
Foreign body removal (%)10/26 (38)7/26 (27)NS
Other (%)2/26 (8)0/26 (0)NS
Location (% facial)9/14 (64)13/19 (68)NS
Length (cm)2.8 (2.3)3.5 (2.1)NS
Duration of procedure (min (SD))14.2 (10.9)16.4 (13.8)NS
Pulse rate (beat/min (SD))103.2 (17.8)102.7 (14.2)NS
Respiratory rate (min−1 (SD))24.6 (5.8)26.5 (4.6)0.04
Mean arterial pressure (mm Hg (SD))79.8 (8.5)75.1 (11.0)NS
Oxygen saturation (% (SD))98.0 (0.8)97.7 (1.0)NS
Pre-procedure sedation score (SD)3.8 (1.0)3.6 (0.8)NS
Pre-procedure VASS score (SD)4.3 (3.2)5.5 (2.5)NS