Table 4

Multiple agents

RICDRS = restrained infant and child distress rating scale.
Smith et al333 ml prilophen (3.56% prilocaine, 1/1000 phenylephrine) v 3 ml bupivaphen (0.67% bupivacaine, 1/1000 phenylephrine) v 3 ml TAC. Solution applied for 20 minutes.Children 1 year and older. Wound <5 cm. 60 TAC 60 Prilophen 60 BupivaphenVAS for suturing by suturer, observer, parent and patients >5 years.No significant difference in VAS scores between TAC and prilophen by any group. Bupivaphen VAS scores higher than TAC and prilophen by suturers, observers and parents.
Smith et al343 ml of prilophen (3.56% prilocaine, 0.99% phenylephrine) v 3 ml of tetraphen (1% tetracaine, 5% phenylephrine) v 3 ml of tetralidophen (1% lidocaine, 2.5% phenylephrine, 1% tetracaine) v 3 ml of TAC. Solution applied for 20 minutes.Children 1 year and older. Wound <5 cm. 60 TAC 60 Prilophen 60 Tetraphen 60 TetralidophenVAS for suturing by suturer, observer, parent and patients >5 years. Likert score for suturing by parent, observers and suturers. Anaesthetic effectiveness by suturers.No significant difference in VAS or Likert scores for any group between tetraphen and TAC. TAC Likert scores lower than prilophen and tetralidophen by suturers. VAS scores with prilophen greater than with TAC by suturers. No difference in anaesthetic effectiveness between anesthetics. No significant differences between anaesthetics when wounds of the face and scalp analysed separately.
Smith et al73 ml Bupivanor (0.48% bupivacaine, 1/26000 norepinephrine) v 3 ml etidonor (0.95% etidocaine, 1/26000 norepinephrine) v 3 ml mepivanor (1.9% mepivacaine, 1/26000 norepinephrine) v 3 ml prilonor (3.81% prilocaine, 1/26000 norepinephrine) v 3 ml TAC v 1% lidocaine infiltration. Solution applied for 20 minutes.Children 2 years and older. Wound <5 cm. 60 Lido 60 TAC 30 Bupivanor 30 Etidonor 30 Mepivanor 30 PrilonorVAS for suturing by suturer, observer and patients >5 years. Likert score for suturing by parent and suturers. RICDRS distress behaviour for suturing by suturers. Anaesthetic effectiveness by suturers.No difference with any scale by any group between TAC and lidocaine. No difference with any scale by any group between bupivanor and TAC or lidocaine except anaesthetic effectiveness by suturers. Complex matrix of comparisons between agents using the 4 scores by the 4 groups. All other agents had some statistically significant poorer results than TAC or lidocaine.