Table 1

Performance standards valid during the two periods of data collection

Period A 1996/97Period B 2001
CategoryStandards and targetsSource (reference)Standards and targetsSource (reference)
General Types of callsEmergency calls 3 Category A, B and C calls2, 3
Doctors’ urgent callsDoctors’ urgent calls
Response time for all emergency calls (call to scene time)8 min for 50% of calls (all areas) 3 Cat. A: 8 min 0 sec for 75% of calls (all areas)2, 3
14 min for 95% of calls (urban areas)Cat. B: 14 min 0 sec for 95% of calls (urban)
19 min for 95% of calls (rural areas)19 min 0 sec for 95% of calls (rural)
If AMI is suspected Time at scene15 min (80% for non-cardiac arrest cases) 5 Not explicitly specified
Time to reach hospital10 min for 80% of calls 5 Not explicitly specified
Call to hospital timeNot explicitly specified 5 30 min 0 sec for patients eligible for thrombolysis (% not specified) 1
“First responder” schemeNot applicable.Applicable. 1
Delivery of clinical careLocally developed protocols 5 An agreed service-wide protocol 1
• ECG3 lead (in 90% of cases) 5 12 lead (if available) 1
• AspirinYes, if there are no contraindications including aspirin already given 5 Yes, at least 300 mg orally 1
• IV accessYes: refused in less than 5%; successful in 90% of the remainder. 5 Not explicitly specified in the framework, but recommended in the guidelines1, 6
• Pain relief and high concentration oxygenNot explicitly specified 5 Yes 1
• Defibrillator on sceneYes 5 Yes 1
• Prehospital thrombolysisNot applicable.Yes, if call to hospital time is >30 min 1