Table 2

 Total clinical effects of police spray in 1998 in 93 incidents reported to NPIS-L

Clinical effectsNumber (%) symptoms reported at time of exposureNumber (%) symptoms reported at time of consultation
*Includes symptoms (redness, sore throat, stinging eyes, pain, photophobia, nose bleed, vomiting, nausea). †p = 0.01; ‡p = 0.02, difference for two proportions.
Asymptomatic2 (2.4)7 (6.8)
Lachrymation30 (37)21 (20.5)†
Blurred vision9 (11)10 (9.8)
Blisters3 (3.7)15 (14.7)†
Shortness of breath6 (7.4)5 (4.9)
Burning sensations25 (30.8)25 (24.9)
*Others6 (7.4)19 (18.6)‡