Table 1

Randomised trials comparing ketamine with other sedatives

ReferenceRandomisationNumber of patientsTreatment armsOutcomesResultsComments
*See text.
McGlone et al19No (alternated treatment arms)102IN midazolam 0.5 mg/kg, IM ketamine 2.5 mg/kgBehaviour, restraint, parent satisfactionLess restraint with ketamine, parent preference for ketamineNo blinding, no randomisation, assessment of sedation by operator
Younge and Kendall43Not clear59Oral ketamine 10 mg/kg, oral midazolam 0.7 mg/kgTolerance, time to sedation, parental acceptance, adverse eventsLower sedation score with ketamine and better toleranceDifferent local anaesthesia, not powered, ?blinded, low numbers, tolerance scale not validated
McGlone et al20No (alternated treatment arms)87IM midazolam 0.4 mg/kg +/− flumazenil, IM ketamine 2.5 mg/kgBehaviour, restraint, parent satisfactionLess agitation and better parent satisfaction with ketamine, less restraint needed with ketamineInitially combative children selected for ketamine, no blinding
Acworth* et al44Computer, sealed envelopes53IN midazolam 0.4 mg/kg, IV ketamine 1 mg/kg plus IV midazolam 0.1 mg/kgPhysiology, sedation score, parent assessment of sedationBetter sedation with ketamine but ldquo;deeper,” better parent and doctor satisfactionGood blinding. ?bias