Table 2

 Patients admitted to a ward from the A&E department

19992001p Value
CNS, central nervous system; CT, computed tomography; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; SIGN, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; SXR, skull x ray.
No. of admitted patients143197
No. of patients with a SIGN indication to admission139/149 (93%)191/208 (92%)0.69
No. documented reason for admission4/569 (1%)6/555 (1%)0.54
No. who had a documented pupil check in A&E120 (84%)179 (91%)0.06
No. who had a documented CNS exam in A&E125 (87%)173 (88%)1.00
No. who had a documented GCS in A&E142 (99%)194 (98%)0.64
No. who had a SIGN indication for SXR131 (92%)168 (85%)0.09
No. who had a SIGN indicated SXR120/131 (92%)133/168 (79%)0.003
No. who had a SIGN indication for CT23 (16%)29 (15%)0.76
No. who had a SIGN indicated CT16/23 (70%)23/29 (79%)0.52
No. with a positive scan10/19 (53%)8/28 (29%)0.13