Table 1

 Demographic and baseline characteristics of patients

VariablesResults95% confidence interval
*No (%). All other results in this column are mean (SD).
Men/women9/9 (50/50)*
Age, years42.9 (2.7)41.5 to 44.2
Duration of attack prior to ED presentation, hours59.2 (39.0)39.8 to 78.5
Heart rate, beats/min94.6 (5.6)91.8 to 97.3
Blood pressure, mm Hg
    Systolic127.6 (16.6)119.3 to 135.8
    Diastolic77.5 (12.8)71.1 to 83.8
Respiratory rate, breaths/min22.4 (4.2)20.3 to 24.4
FEV1, L0.9 (0.3)0.8 to 1.1
FEV1, % predicted32.2 (10.9)26.7 to 37.6
SpO2, %94.7 (2.7)93.3 to 96.0
pH7.4 (0.0)7.4 to 7.4
PaO2, mm Hg76.6 (11.7)70.7 to 82.4
PaCO2, mm Hg35.9 (3.3)34.2 to 37.5
HCO3, mmol/l22.5 (1.3)21.8 to 23.1
Na, mmol/l138.5 (2.5)137.2 to 139.7
K, mmol/l3.8 (0.2)3.7 to 3.9
Cl, mmol/l101.6 (3.0)100.1 to 103.0
Lactate, mmol/l1.1 (0.4)0.9 to 1.3