Table 1

 Diagnostic criteria for GBS

Sensory GBS1Typical GBS2*
*Excluding diagnosis: diagnosis of botulism, myasthenia, poliomyelitis or toxic neuropathy; abnormal porphyrin metabolism; recent diphteria; purely sensory symptoms, without weakness. †Features required for diagnosis.
Acute onset of symmetric sensory lossProgressive weakness in both arms and legs†
Peak deficit achieved within four weeksAreflexia†
Diminished or absent reflexesProgression of symptoms over days to four weeks
Normal motor strengthRelative symmetry of symptoms
Electrodiagnostic evidence of demyelination in at least two nervesMild sensory symptoms or signs
Monophasic courseCranial nerve involvement
No other known cause for neuropathyRecovering two to four weeks after progression ceases
No family history of neuropathyAutonomic dysfunction
Albuminocytological dissociation in CSFAbsence of fever at onset
Albuminocytological dissociation in CSF
Typical electrodiagnostic features