Table 2

Median waiting and throughput time: for before and after implementation groups

 Entrance time (min-max)Waiting time (min-max)Treatment time (min-max)Length of stay (min-max)
Before n=469After n=353Before n=887After n=776Before n=844After n=690Before n=856After n=771
Total0.05 (0–0.38)*0.02 (0–0.27)*0.10 (0–2.31)0.12 (0–3.30)1.06 (0.01–9.05)*1.20 (0–12.30)*1.30 (0.05–9.13)*1.45 (0.04–12.55)*
Self-referral0.05 (0–0.36)*0.02 (0–0.20)*0.12 (0–2.31) †0.13 (0–3.30) †0.50 (0.01–9.05) †0.55 (0–12.30) †1.10 (0.05–9.13)* †1.25 (0.04–12.55)* †
Referred by GP0.05 (0–0.38)*0.02 (0–0.27)*0.08 (0–2.31) †0.08 (0–1.45) †2.33 (0.15–7.52)†2.25 (0.15–10.45) †2.40 (0.22–8.49)†2.33 (0.19–10.55) †
Private vehicle0.06 (0–0.38)*‡0.02 (0–0.27)*0.14 (0–2.31)‡0.14 (0–3.30)‡0.57 (0.01–9.05)*‡1.06 (0–12.30)*‡1.21 (0.05–9.13)*‡1.38 (0.04–12.55)*‡
Ambulance0.00 (0–0.30)‡0.02 (0–0.20)0.00 (0–2.31)‡0.00 (0–0.20)‡2.25 (0.11–7.05)‡2.15 (0.05–10.26)‡2.30 (0.11–7.25)‡2.28 (0.09–10.26)‡
  • Data are presented as hours and minutes.

  • *Significance level p< 0.05, between before and after implementation group.

  • †Significance level p< 0.05 between self-referral and patients referred by general physician (GP).

  • ‡Significance level p< 0.05 between private vehicles and ambulance.

  • Arrival time, time from arrival to registration; After, after implementation group; Before, before implementation group; Length of stay, time from registration to discharge; Treatment time, time from entrance of the treatment room to discharge; Waiting time, time from registration to entrance of the treatment room.