Table 3

Proportion (%) of crew members in helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) working for the health enterprise (physicians) and for the flight operator (HEMS crew members (HCMs) and pilots) who have undergone simulation-based training (question category I6) and assessment (question category I7) of seven (1–7) generic non-technical skills (NTSs)1

Question categoryNTS categoryHealth enterprise employeeFlight operator employeeN (missing)p Value (2-sided)
I6: Simulation-based training of NTSs1. Decision-making37/76 (48.7%)50/73 (68.5%)149 (6)0.020
2. Leadership37/78 (47.4%)47/72 (65.3%)150 (5)0.033
3. Communication40/77 (51.9%)50/73 (68.5%)150 (5)0.046
4. Situation awareness37/77 (48.1%)49/73 (67.1%)150 (5)0.021
5. Teamwork44/76 (57.9%)55/73 (75.3%)149 (6)0.037
6. Managing stress24/78 (30.8%)47/73 (64.3%)151 (4)<0.001
7. Coping with fatigue18/78 (23.8%)32/68 (47.1%)146 (9)0.003
I7: Assessment of NTSs1. Decision-making29/77 (37.7%)47/72 (65.3%)149 (6)0.001
2. Leadership27/77 (35.1%)44/72 (61.1%)149 (6)0.002
3. Communication25/76 (32.9%)44/72 (61.1%)148 (7)0.001
4. Situation awareness24/77 (31.2%)45/71 (63.3%)148 (7)<0.001
5. Teamwork30/77 (38.9%)49/72 (68.1%)149 (6)<0.001
6. Managing stress21/77 (27.3%)43/72 (59.7%)149 (6)<0.001
7. Coping with fatigue14/77 (18.2%)30/69 (43.5%)146 (9)0.001
  • Comparison of health enterprise employees with flight operator employees using Fisher’s exact test (two-sided). Significance at level 0.05.