Table 4

Categorisation of errors at baseline and 6-month assessments

Error checklist (figure 2)Baseline assessments (n=56)Final (6 months) assessments (n=52)P value
(total errors)
Intervention group
Control group
Total baseline errors
Intervention group
Control group
Total final errors
(1) Failure to lift patient up to semi-sitting or failure to log-roll? (n/%)1 (3.3%)0 (0%)1 (1.79%)1 (3.70%)0 (0%)1 (1.92%)0.96
(2) Failure to prevent risk of accidental removal of endotracheal tube? (n/%)18 (60%)10 (38.46%)28 (50.0%)9 (33.33%)14 (56.0%)23 (44.23%)0.55
(3) Incorrect position of suction cup? (n/%)6 (20.0%)7 (26.92%)13 (23.21%)3 (11.11%)5 (20.0%)8 (15.38%)0.31
(4) Failure to place arms outside device? (n/%)0 (0%)1 (3.85%)1 (1.79%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
(5) Device locked in correctly at first attempt? (n/%)4 (13.33%)5 (19.23%)9 (16.10%)3 (11.1%)3 (12.0%)6 (11.54%)0.50
(6) Correct orientation of the M-CPR device? (n/%)3 (10.0%)2 (7.69%)5 (8.93%)5 (18.52%)8 (32%)13 (25%)0.03
(7) Failure to press button ‘1’? (n/%)4 (13.33%)4 (15.38%)8 (14.29%)5 (18.52%)6 (24.0%)11 (21.15%)0.87
(8) Failure to pull down suction cup? (n/%)5 (16.67%)5 (19.23)10 (17.86%)6 (22.22%)3 (12.0%)9 (17.30%)0.94
(9) Failure to press button ‘2’? (n/%)2 (6.67%)3 (11.54%)5 (8.83%)4 (14.81%)10 (40%)14 (26.92%)0.01
(10) Failure to press button ‘3’? (n/%)0 (0%)1 (3.85%)1 (1.79%)0 (0%)1 (4.0%)1 (1.92%)0.96
(11) Failure to place shoulder strap to prevent migration of device? (n/%)11 (36.67%)3 (11.54%)14 (25.0%)10 (37.04%)18 (72.0%)28 (53.85%)0.002
  • M-CPR, mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation.