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Should exercise treadmill testing be provided in the emergency department?
  1. J Arnold,
  2. S Goodacre
  1. University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 MsJ Arnold
 Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, Sheffield S1 4DA, UK; j.a.arnold{at}

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ETT cannot rule out coronary heart diseases; however it has a prognostic value that exceeds other tests

Acute chest pain is responsible for over half a million attendances per year at emergency departments in the UK.1 Around 7% of such patients discharged home from emergency departments have prognostically significant myocardial damage.2 Many others are discharged without a clear diagnosis. It, therefore, is clear that patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain remain a management challenge.

The chest pain unit (CPU) uses early cardiac markers and exercise treadmill testing (ETT) to provide an effective and cost-effective way of managing these patients.3 Although many emergency departments use early cardiac markers to exclude a cardiac event, few hospitals use immediate ETT to risk …

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