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Management of minor head injuries in the accident and emergency department: the effect of an observation ward.
  1. S R Brown,
  2. C Raine,
  3. C E Robertson,
  4. I J Swann
  1. Directorate of Accident and Emergency Medicine, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.


    The management of 483 patients presenting with minor head injury to the accident and emergency (A&E) departments of two Scottish hospitals was studied prospectively. Such patients comprised 5.7 and 3.9% of the total attendances to each department. Of the 277 patients assessed in the former department, 83 (30%) fulfilled at least one of the currently accepted criteria for recommending admission to hospital and 49 (17.7%) patients were actually admitted. Patients in whom head injury was not the principal reason for admission were excluded from the study. In the same time period the second department dealt with 206 patients with minor head injury, 49 (24%) of whom had criteria for admission. However, significantly fewer, 10 (4.9%) patients, were actually admitted. The major relevant factor when comparing the two departments was the existence in the former of an observation ward. These results support the view that easy access to hospital beds is a major determinant of management in patients presenting with minor head injury to the A&E department and may be more influential than clinical findings.

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