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The nursing triage process: a video review and a proposed audit tool.
  1. J C Williams,
  2. N L Jones,
  3. F J Richardson,
  4. C Jones,
  5. P W Richmond
  1. Accident and Emergency Department, Cardiff Royal Infirmary, United Kingdom.


    OBJECTIVE: To review the activity of the nurse triage process. SETTING: The triage room for adults attending the accident and emergency department of the Cardiff Royal Infirmary. METHODS: 226 triage processes were videotaped over 31 h during July 1994. Activities were subsequently analysed using a specially designed chart. RESULTS: Areas for improvement in staff communication skills and patient privacy were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The use of video in the triage room allows assessment of the triage process and is a valuable aid to training. Additionally, a potential visual audit tool has been identified.

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