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Antibiotics, the pill, and pregnancy.
  1. M Mastrantonio,
  2. H Minhas,
  3. A Gammon
  1. Accident and Emergency Department, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, Bucks.


    OBJECTIVES: To establish if advice concerning risks of pregnancy when taking oral contraceptive pill and antibiotics is being offered. METHOD: A retrospective audit of notes of 100 female patients aged 15-39 who were prescribed antibiotics. RESULTS: Documentation of use of contraception was noted in 3% of patients. Advice concerning risks and further precautions was noted in this 3% but not in any other records. CONCLUSION: The audit identified a gap in documentation and/or clinical practice in advising women of childbearing age of the risk of conceiving when using oral contraceptive pill and antibiotics. Recommendations are given as to how this may be addressed.

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