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The laws of violence
  1. John Bache
  1. Leighton Hospital, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 4QJ
  1. Correspondence to: Mr Bache, Consultant in Accident and Emergency Medicine(john_bache{at}


Working in an accident and emergency (A&E) department inevitably involves dealing with the consequences of violence, and a knowledge of the laws of violence is a useful adjunct to the clinical practice of A&E medicine. The police and the Crown Prosecution Service decide whether or not to charge a suspect, and which charge is appropriate. All criminal offences are initially considered in the magistrates' court but the more serious offences may be committed to crown court. Specific offences include common assault, actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm, and grievous bodily harm with intent. If the defendant is found guilty, an appropriate sentence is imposed.

  • laws
  • violence
  • assault

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