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Article 2. Strategy to every day operational management
  1. J Wardrope,
  2. S McCormick
  1. Department of Accident and Emergency Medicine, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AU, UK
  1. Correspondence to: Mr Wardrope (Jim.Wardrope{at}

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The question about weekend waiting times will be discussed in the next edition. However, there are some things that will not wait, complaints for example should be dealt with promptly. The full replies are listed on the internet pages for this month. In summary Dr York felt that the accident and emergency (A&E) staff acted appropriately (see internet pages for answer from the consultant and from the chief executive).

You have to ensure the advertisements for the next set of junior doctors (SHOs) are ready as this will not wait. The draft person specification for the SHO and the advertisement are in the internet pages.Emerg Med J 2001;18:222–224

We have asked to meet the chief executive

Time out—introduction

The first article introduced the concepts of the series, gave some baseline information and set initial problems to be answered. However, the series will also call “time outs” from day to day management to discuss important points of management theory or to take a longer term strategic view. This will be done under the headings of strategy, people management, specialist topics, A&E topics and, perhaps most importantly, attitudes.

From the start of your management life it is important to develop a proactive approach rather than a reactive one. This will enable you to take control of your own (and departments) destiny. We will therefore begin by looking at Strategy, this is the process by which we define our objectives, examine the department's current strengths and weaknesses and state where we want to be in five years time.

Time out—strategy

In the first article we defined management as the organisation and motivation of groups to achieve planned objectives. In A&E …

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