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Dealing with emergencies in rural areas of Europe: proceedings from WONCA Europe 2000
  1. J Gillies,
  2. C Lionis,
  3. J MacDonald,
  4. C Laird,
  5. J Szabo,
  6. B Nunes,
  7. L Burriel,
  8. H Lund,
  9. C Made
  1. J Gillies, Selkirk Medical Practice, Scotland, UK; C Lionis, Department of Social and Family Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece; J MacDonald, Wigtown Surgery, Newton Stewart, Scotland, UK; C Laird, Auchterarder Heath Centre, Scotland, UK; J Szabo, Department of Family Medicine, University of Semmelweiss, Budapest, Hungary; B Nunes, Alfandega da Fe Health Centre, Alfandega, Portugal; L Burriel, Centro de Salud Santa Maria del Páramo, Leon, Spain; H Lund, Os Council, Os, Norway; C Made,Tarnaby Rural Medical Centre, Tarnaby, Sweden.
  1. Correspondence to: Dr Gillies, Selkirk Medical Practice, Viewfield Lane, Selkirk TD7 4LL, Scotland (j.gillies{at}


On 4 July 2000, two workshops on handling emergencies in rural areas of Europe were held at the WONCA (World Organisation of National Colleges and Academies of Family Medicine/General Practice) conference in Vienna under the auspices of EURIPA (European Rural and Isolated Practitioners' Association). Papers submitted covered varying patterns of service provision and examples of short intensive training for emergencies at resident and general practitioner levels. Ways of collecting data routinely for accident prevention were also discussed. The workshops concluded that there was a need for more research in the application of emergency skills, that lack of confidence in dealing with emergencies may contribute to recruitment problems, and that further work towards a document detailing training requirements for emergencies was needed. This will be developed at a EURIPA workshop at WONCA in Tampere, June 2001.

  • emergency care
  • trauma
  • training
  • general practice
  • rural

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