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Those of you who are avid readers of the internet section “St Jude's diary” will have seen a situation developing regarding possible sexual harassment. However, many may have missed the last instalment where a staff nurse has made a formal complaint about sexual harassment by one of the staff grade doctors. Review the St Jude's diary sections for articles 3 and 4 (emjonline/contents/SIMS3, SIMS4). Were there warning signs of this problem? Could this have been handled differently? A major in tray task this edition is to set out the management action of this complaint (emjonline/contents/SIMS5).
The psychotic patient was a significant problem. He did not want treatment but obviously needed help. He was restrained and then sedated and is now doing well under the care of the psychiatrists. What is the legal context for this action of treating patients against their will? We will examine this in a later time out. How would this differ in North America, Europe or Austalasia. E-mail responses welcome.
Candidates OP, SJ and CB were popular choices for short listing. For the other five there was less agreement. A tight person specification should make this process much easier and fairer. The person specification used for the shortlist is on the internet in the feedback section along with the shortlist.
The preparation for the independent review has taken a great deal of time and effort and had a definite effect on staff morale. For the first time all parties involved have met to establish the facts of the case. Statements have been given. The A&E staff involved have required a lot of support as they became very anxious about the process. Re-assurance and encouraging a fully open and honest approach have been helpful.
The independent review has reported and a copy of the report is given …
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Conflicts of interest: JW is an editor of the EMJ but this series was conceived and approved before he took up post.