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A rare case of a pedunculated lipoma in the pharynx
  1. R A P Persaud,
  2. R Kotnis,
  3. C C Ong,
  4. D A Bowdler
  1. Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, University Hospital Lewisham, London, UK
  1. Correspondence:
 Dr R A P Persaud, 50 Waller Road, Telegraph Hill, London SE14 5LA, UK;


While lipomas on the trunk and limbs are common, they are rare in the upper aerodigestive tract. A case is reported of an 18 cm long pedunculated lipoma arising from the hypopharynx in a 73 year old man. The tumour was asymptomatic until it appeared in the mouth of the patient after a coughing episode.

  • pedunculated lipoma
  • hypopharynx

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  • Funding: none.