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Pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia
  1. M Cunliffe
  1. Alder Hey Children's NHS Trust, Liverpool, UK

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    B Krauss, R M Brustowicz, editors. (PP 327; $39.95). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1999. ISBN 0-683-30558-1.

    As all who deal with children are well aware, over the past 10 years it has become unacceptable practice to physically restrain children for painful and non-painful procedures. There have been changes to the law with the Children's Act and the recent Human Right's Act to further constrain us and tie our own hands, alongside a growing demand from parents and children that a more humane approach is needed. This means we have to replace physical with pharmacological restraint.

    This book is an American multi-authored text edited by an …

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