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Outcome of diabetic patients treated in the prehospital arena after a hypoglycaemic episode, and an exploration of treat and release protocols: a review of the literature
  1. K Roberts,
  2. A Smith
  1. Pre-hospital Emergency Research Unit (PERU), Lansdowne Hospital, Cardiff, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Miss K Roberts, Pre-hospital Emergency Research Unit, Lansdowne Hospital, Cardiff CF11 8UL, UK; 


Objectives: This review examines current treat and release protocols adopted by the ambulance service, and factors that may predispose patients to hypoglycaemia.

Methods: Online database searches and hand searches of journals led to 241 articles being found, of which eight were used for this article.

Results: Out of hospital treatment of hypoglycaemia is safe for most patients, but further studies are needed if positive improvements are to be made.

Discussion: There is potential for further research in this area and clarification is needed in the treat and release debate. A definitive set of protocols would be beneficial to the ambulance service.

  • hypoglycaemia
  • prehospital
  • paramedic
  • treat and release

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  • Funding: The Wales Office for Research and Development for Health and Social Care.

  • Conflicts of interest: none.