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Caesarean delivery during maternal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for status asthmaticus
  1. S Lurie,
  2. Y Mamet
  1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Laniado Hospital, Netanya, Israel
  1. Correspondence:
 Dr S Lurie, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Edith Wolfson Medical Centre, Holon, Israel; 


A patient who sustained a recurrent cardiopulmonary resuscitation due to status asthmaticus during one pregnancy followed by a birth of an apparently normal infant is described. Promptly performed caesarean delivery might have saved the mother and her infant. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is less effective in a near term pregnant woman.

  • caesarean section
  • cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • asthma
  • pregnancy complications

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