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Accumulating knowledge: five years of BETs
  1. K Mackway-Jones,
  2. S Carley
  1. Emergency Department, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor K Mackway-Jones; 

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Introducing the accumalator BET

Best evidence topic reports (BestBETs) were first described by the emergency department at the Manchester Royal Infirmary.1 They were originally developed as an educational tool to focus teaching of competencies in the practice of evidence based medicine to junior doctors,2 but soon developed into a means of identifying the need for evidence based changes in practice and of helping to effect these changes. BestBETs have been published regularly in peer reviewed journals (currently this journal3 and the Archives of Disease in Childhood4), and are listed and updated on a dedicated web site.5 This web site ( has been enthusiastically reviewed both nationally6 and internationally,7 and is recognised as an important resource for evidence based practice.8 The web site has …

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