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Gamma hydroxybutirate use for sexual assault
  1. M Varela1,
  2. S Nogué2,
  3. M Orós3,
  4. Ò Miró1
  1. 1Emergency Department, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain
  2. 2Toxicology Unit, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona
  3. 3Forensic Department, Barcelona
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Ò Miró
 Emergency Department, Hospital Clínic, Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain;


The use of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) as a recreational drug has quickly spread among European young people during the past decade. Although it has been claimed that GHB can be potentially used to facilitate sexual assault, no case reports have been previously described. A case is described in which GHB was used with that criminal purpose and a review of previous literature is undertaken.

  • gamma hydroxybutirate
  • liquid ecstasy
  • rape
  • sexual assault

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