Table of contents
September 2004 - Volume 21 - 5
Electronic pages
- Abstracts presented at AMBEX, June 2003, Harrogate (25 August, 2004)
Primary Survey
- Primary survey (25 August, 2004)
- Restructuring our workforce (25 August, 2004)
- Defining the specialty (25 August, 2004)
- Patient satisfaction in emergency medicine (25 August, 2004)
Original Articles
- Team triage improves emergency department efficiency (25 August, 2004)
- Can a senior house officer’s time be used more effectively? (25 August, 2004)
- Detection of non-accidental injuries presenting at emergency departments (25 August, 2004)
Short reports
- Quality and effectiveness of an emergency department during weekends (25 August, 2004)
- Securing central venous catheters: a comparison of sutures with staples (25 August, 2004)
Best evidence topic reports
- Nebulised magnesium in asthma (25 August, 2004)
- Role of flexion/extension radiography in neck injuries in adults (25 August, 2004)
- Peripheral pulses to exclude thoracic aortic dissection (25 August, 2004)
- Wound closure in animal bites (25 August, 2004)
- Therapeutic hypothermia after out of hospital cardiac arrest (25 August, 2004)
- JournalScan (25 August, 2004)
Prehospital care
- The emerging role of the emergency care practitioner (25 August, 2004)
- Surviving out of hospital cardiac arrest at home: a postcode lottery? (25 August, 2004)
- Potential impact of interventions to reduce times to thrombolysis (25 August, 2004)
Case reports
- Childhood asthma predisposes to spontaneous pneumomediastinum (25 August, 2004)
- Face value? (25 August, 2004)
- Air gun injury (25 August, 2004)
- Occult knee dislocation: the importance of secondary survey (25 August, 2004)
- Variable radio-opacity of a metallic foreign body (25 August, 2004)
- Clinical use of the Empey index in the emergency department (25 August, 2004)
- Gastropericardial fistula: a case report and review of literature (25 August, 2004)
- Are accident and emergency senior house officers getting slower? (25 August, 2004)
- Comprehensive drug screening (25 August, 2004)
- What is “relative analgesia?” (25 August, 2004)
- Climbie Inquiry sets new standards (25 August, 2004)
- Steering wheel spin? (25 August, 2004)
- Children and mini-magnets: comments and suggestions (25 August, 2004)
- Radiology in paediatric cervical spine injury (25 August, 2004)
- Emergency department investigation of deep vein thrombosis (25 August, 2004)
- Fractured clavicle and vascular complications (25 August, 2004)
- Nothing ever changes... (25 August, 2004)
Book reviews
- The 5 minute toxicology consult for PDA (25 August, 2004)
- Disaster medicine (25 August, 2004)
- ACLS for EMT-Basics (25 August, 2004)