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Acute urinary retention attributable to sacral herpes zoster
  1. J Acheson,
  2. D Mudd
  1. Department of Surgery, Antrim Area Hospital, Northern Ireland
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr J Acheson
 c/o Department of Surgery, Antrim Area Hospital, 45 Bush Road, Antrim BT28 3QE, Northern Ireland;


Acute urinary retention in women is uncommon. A 63 year old woman presented with suprapubic pain, a palpable bladder, and multiple grouped vesicles on the right buttock. Catheterisation showed a residual of 2000 ml. A case is reported of acute urinary retention secondary to herpes zoster infection of the sacral nerves (S2–4).

  • herpes zoster
  • urinary retention

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