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All medical practitioners working within the NHS are subject to annual appraisal and in the future revalidation. Medical responders acting on behalf of NHS Ambulances Trusts often working in a voluntary capacity will require appraisal either individually (those working exclusively in prehospital care) or jointly (for hospital practitioners or GP's who are also involved prehospital care). They will be required to demonstrate satisfactorily adherence to the principles of clinical governance and develop a CPD portfolio.
Currently there exists no specific code of practice for medical practitioners responding on behalf of the ambulance service. To establish a mutual understanding between the Ambulance Services and medical practitioners the Faculty of Prehospital Care has met with stakeholders to establish a code of practice which has been agreed and endorsed by the Ambulance Service Association. This document clearly defines both individual and joint responsibilities to establish good practice. For many practitioners much of what is contained in this document will already be in place.
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