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Coincidental deficiency of the posterior arch of the atlas and thalassaemia minor: possible pitfalls in a trauma victim
  1. M H Schrödel,
  2. V Braun,
  3. E Stolpe,
  4. H Hertlein
  1. Correspondence to:
 M H Schrödel
 KH Munich-Harlaching, Sanatoriumsplatz 2, Munich, Germany, 81545;


Congenital abnormalities of the cervical spine are rare findings in trauma victims. Deficiency of the posterior arch of the atlas and coincidental thalassaemia minor are even more unusual. This case report is about a young female trauma victim with both abnormalities, a combination that has previously not been described in literature. The classification, as proposed by Currarino et al in 1994, and the importance of being aware of these abnormalities are discussed.

  • atlas aplasia
  • thalassemia minor
  • spine
  • atlas and axis

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