Table of contents
September 2005 - Volume 22 - 9
- Naloxone in opioid poisoning: walking the tightrope (19 August, 2005)
Primary Survey
- Primary Survey (19 August, 2005)
Original Articles
- Odontoid lateral mass asymmetry: do we over-investigate? (19 August, 2005)
- Core–peripheral temperature gradient as a diagnostic test in dyspnoea (19 August, 2005)
- Detection of hypertension in the emergency department (19 August, 2005)
- Should emergency departments really be screening for hypertension? (19 August, 2005)
Short reports
- So much for percentage, but what about the weight? (19 August, 2005)
- JournalScan (19 August, 2005)
Best evidence topic reports
- Are antibiotics indicated following human bites? (19 August, 2005)
- Nebulised furosemide in acute adult asthma (19 August, 2005)
Prehospital care
- Emergencies in the air (19 August, 2005)
- Prehospital management of lower limb fractures (19 August, 2005)
Emergency casebook
Case reports
- Hereditary motor and sensor neuropathy: a cause of acute stridor (19 August, 2005)
- Recurrent elbow dislocation—an uncommon presentation (19 August, 2005)
- Traumatic atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation (19 August, 2005)
- Primary intraventricular haemorrhage in an 11 year old child (19 August, 2005)
- An unusual presentation of baclofen overdose (19 August, 2005)
- An unusual swelling in the neck (19 August, 2005)
- Butane encephalopathy (19 August, 2005)
- Correction (19 August, 2005)