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Hypopharyngeal perforation following minor trauma: a case report and literature review
  1. D Smith1,
  2. S Woolley2
  1. 1University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK
  2. 2Bristol Royal Infirmary and Bristol Royal Childrens Hospital, Bristol, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr S Woolley
 A&E Department, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol BS2 8HW, UK; sarah.woolley{at}


Hypopharyngeal perforation is mainly reported in association with high velocity road traffic accidents, or with low velocity direct blows to the neck. We report a case of hypopharyngeal perforation following a low velocity motorcycle accident where neither of these mechanisms of injury was apparent. A 52 year old man was referred from the emergency department (ED) with a sore throat and dysphagia, following a low speed side impact accident. A gastrograffin swallow demonstrated a posterior pharyngeal wall tear. After 11 days of conservative hospital treatment, he recovered and was discharged. The presumed mechanism of injury in this case was cervical spine hyperextension without cervical compression.

  • hypopharyngeal
  • perforation
  • trauma

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