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Case of the month: The skin wrinkle test: a simple nerve injury test for paediatric and uncooperative patients
  1. A Tindall,
  2. R Dawood,
  3. B Povlsen
  1. Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 A Tindall
 12 Farington House 22 Gloucester Street Pimlico London SW1V 2DN, UK; alistair_tindall{at}


Assessment of the distal neurological status after injuries to the hand and fingers is one of the most frequent parts of standard trauma practice. Two-point discrimination as clinical examination is often sufficient to identify such lesions, but difficulties occur in the comatose, young or otherwise uncooperative patient. This article describes a simple pain-free alternative method of assessing digital nerve integrity by submerging the finger tip in water and observing if wrinkles develop on the skin.

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