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Shock resuscitation with acupuncture: case report
  1. C-H Hsu1,
  2. Y Hua2,
  3. G-P Jong3,
  4. C-L Chao4,
  5. J-Y Liu5,
  6. K-C Hwang6,
  7. P Chou7
  1. 1Community Medicine Research Center and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, and Department of Chinese Medicine Taipei Hospital, Taiwan
  2. 2Jian Shih Township Health Center, Health Bureau of Hsinchu County, Taiwan
  3. 3Division of Cardiology, Armed Force General Taichung Hospital and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
  4. 4Division of Thoracic Medicine, Taipei Hospital, Taiwan
  5. 5Health Bureau of Hsinchu County and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
  6. 6Department of Pediatrics, Medicine, Taipei Hospital, Taiwan
  7. 7Community Medicine Research Center and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr C-H Hsu
 Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Hospital, Department of Health, 127 Su-Yuan Road, Hsih-Chuang City, Taipei County, Taiwan; owlherbs{at}


A 77 year old aboriginal woman in an isolated village became drowsy and shocked. Poor weather conditions delayed the arrival of the medical and support team—the roads had been seriously destroyed by torrential rains and helicopter was the only means for delivering critical medical care and support. While waiting for the arrival of the helicopter, and in the absence of the necessary emergency medical equipment, the patient’s condition deteriorated. Administration of persistent emergency acupuncture stimulation for 80 minutes helped maintain the patient’s vital signs until successful transfer of the patient to hospital. She recovered without any complications of shock and was discharged six days later.

  • acupuncture
  • septic shock
  • shock resuscitation

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