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Diagnostic radiopacity and hepatotoxicity following chloroform ingestion: a case report
  1. S H Choi,
  2. S W Lee,
  3. Y S Hong,
  4. S J Kim,
  5. S W Moon,
  6. J D Moon
  1. Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul Korea
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor S W Lee
 Korea University Ansan Hospital Emergency Department, 516 Gojan-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan Korea, 425-707; kuedlee{at}


Background: Diagostic imaging can help in the management of toxicologic emergencies. The authors report on a patient who presented to the emergency department with coma and suppressed respirations after ingestion of an unknown substance.

Methods: Ingestion of chloroform with radiopaque material in the bowel on abdominal radiograph was documented. The patient was treated with haemoperfusion, activated charcoal, and laxatives to decrease the toxicities.

Results: Hepatotoxicity occurred on post-ingestion day 3 and elevation of liver enzymes reached peak levels on post-ingestion day 5. The patient received N-acetylsystein and supportive care during hospitalisation. The patient improved from hepatic dysfunction and was discharged without complication on post-ingestion day 11.

Conclusion: Radiographic studies in toxicology may confirm a diagnosis and assist in therapeutic intervention.

  • chloroform
  • ingestion
  • radiopacity
  • hepatotoxicity

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