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Best Bets: A call for scrutiny
  1. J French,
  2. A Steel,
  3. R Clements,
  4. S Lewis,
  5. M Wilson,
  6. B Teasdale,
  7. R Mackenzie,
  8. J Black
  1. Correspondence to:
 James French
 Magpas 105 Needingworth Road, St Ives, Cambind geshire, PE27 5WF; james{at}

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Best BETS are based on specific clinical scenarios and aim to provide a clinical bottom line which should indicate, in the light of the evidence, what the clinician would do if faced with the same scenario again.1 The article by Sen and Nechani2 serves to remind us that unless Best BETS are rigorously conducted their conclusions may be inappropriate.

Sen and Nechani wonder if prehospital intubation was of benefit to the major trauma patient they …

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