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Case of the month: Right coronary artery dissection following sports-related blunt trauma
  1. A Hobelmann,
  2. J C Pham,
  3. E B Hsu
  1. The Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions, Departments of Emergency Medicine and Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Edbert B Hsu
 The Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions, Department of Emergency Medicine, 5801 Smith Avenue, Davis Building, Suite 3220, Baltimore, MD 21209, USA; edhsu{at}


Coronary artery dissection is a rare life-threatening complication resulting from blunt traumatic injury. Most cases of coronary artery injury, including dissection, involve the left anterior descending artery given its anatomical location relative to the impact. Right coronary artery (RCA) dissection secondary to blunt trauma is a particularly unusual occurrence, and has not previously been reported in the emergency medicine literature. We present a case of RCA dissection following low impact sport-related blunt chest trauma and discuss the pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnosis and current treatment options.

  • ECG, electrocardiogram
  • RCA, right coronary artery

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