Table of contents
September 2006 - Volume 23 - 9
Emergency casebooks
- Spontaneous massive haemothorax caused by rupture of an intercostal vein (18 August, 2006)
- Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura mimicking acute ischemic stroke (18 August, 2006)
- Cutaneous myiasis of the eyelid masquerading as periorbital cellulitis (18 August, 2006)
- Emergency casebook (18 August, 2006)
Primary Survey
- Primary Survey (18 August, 2006)
- The London bombings of 7 July 2005: what is the main lesson? (18 August, 2006)
- The emergency room in systemic rheumatic diseases (18 August, 2006)
Original Articles
- A rural emergency medical retrieval service: the first year (18 August, 2006)
- Sedation practice in a Scottish teaching hospital emergency department (18 August, 2006)
- How effective are mental health nurses in A&E departments? (18 August, 2006)
Short reports
- Normal lipase serum level in acute pancreatitis: a case report (18 August, 2006)
- Alcohol levels in the emergency department: a worrying trend (18 August, 2006)
- Preparation for the next major incident: are we ready? (18 August, 2006)
An occasional series on critical care
Toxicology: An Australian perspective
Best evidence topic reports
- Oral antihistamines for insect bites (18 August, 2006)
- The use of vasoconstrictor therapy in non-variceal upper GI bleeds (18 August, 2006)
Prehospital care
- Prehospital intubation: delving deeper into the evidence (18 August, 2006)
- The Cape Triage Score: update (18 August, 2006)
- Sophia (18 August, 2006)