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A guide to reducing citation errors in bibliographies
  1. Babita Ghai,
  2. Akshay Kumar Saxena,
  3. Jeetinder Kaur Makkar
  1. Department of Radio Diagnosis, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh-160012, India
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr Akshay Kumar Saxena
 Teachers Flat 3, Sector 12, Chandigarh-160012, India; fatakshay{at}

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It is a common experience that by the time one finishes compiling a manuscript and reaches the stage of compiling the bibliography, a sense of fatigue sets in. Generally, people type the bibliography on the computer themselves or seek the help of a professional to do it; this is subsequently corrected by the author. However, even after corrections, errors remain in several references by virtue of errors in quoting authors (including the correct number, order, initials and spelling), article title, journal title (including proper Index Medicus abbreviation), volume number, page number and year.

Potentially more damaging are the errors where the name of one journal is replaced by another. …

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