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Diagnosis and management of common maxillofacial injuries in the emergency department. Part 4: orbital floor and midface fractures
  1. P Ó Ceallaigh2,
  2. K Ekanaykaee1,
  3. C J Beirne1,
  4. D W Patton2
  1. 1Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Eire
  2. 2Morriston hospital, Swansea, Wales, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Padraig Ó Ceallaigh
 Maxillofacial Department, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, SA6 6NL, UK; ppoceallaigh{at}


Beware of the black eye! Orbital injuries are often missed or misdiagnosed. The underlying bony injury and or globe injury are often more serious than initial examination suggests.

  • maxillofacial injury
  • emergency department
  • orbital floor
  • midface fractures
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