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Abrupt onset of disturbed vigilance, bilateral third nerve palsy and masturbating behaviour: a rare presentation of stroke
  1. Karl Mondon,
  2. Isabelle Bonnaud,
  3. Séverine Debiais,
  4. Paul Brunault,
  5. Denis Saudeau,
  6. Bertrand de Toffol,
  7. Alain Autret
  1. Service de Neurologie et Université François Rabelais, CHRU de Tours, Tours, France
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr K Mondon
 Service de Neurologie, Hôpital Bretonneau, 37044 Tours Cedex, France; karl.mondon{at}


The clinical presentation of stroke usually includes sensory–motor impairment, cranial nerve palsies, or cognitive dysfunction. Disorders in behaviour are less frequently seen. The case of a patient with a very disturbing presentation, which included a disturbance in vigilance, bilateral third nerve palsy and masturbating behaviour, is presented. The topography of the lesions and its implications on the deficits observed are discussed.

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