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Prevalence, motives and patterns of anticipated radiograph ordering by nurses in accident and emergency departments in France
  1. M Cauterman1,
  2. A Tajahmady1,
  3. S Woynar1,
  4. P Miroux2,
  5. M Raphaël3
  1. 1
    Mission Nationale d’Expertise et d’Audit Hospitaliers (MeaH), Paris, France
  2. 2
    Accident and Emergency Department, Compiègne Public Hospital, Compiègne, France
  3. 3
    Accident and Emergency Department, Le Raincy – Montfermeil Public Hospital, Montfermeil, France
  1. Dr M Cauterman, Mission Nationale d’Expertise et d’Audit Hospitaliers (MeaH), 50 rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine, 75012 Paris, France; maxime.cauterman{at}


Background: Although common in many countries, anticipated ordering of radiographs by nurses in Accident and Emergency Departments (AEDs) remains illegal in France. Despite this, some evidence suggests that it is implemented in a number of AEDs.

Aim: To describe the current state of the practice of anticipated ordering of radiographs by nurses in France.

Results and conclusions: Despite a low response rate (21.2%), the findings (prevalence and implementation patterns) stress the urgency of a broad review of this issue in France.

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  • Funding: None.

  • Competing interests: None.